Data protection
ERP systems are the circulatory systems of business organizations and play key role for a company’s progress.
Nowadays as enterprises are facing more and more challenges in consolidating information workflow and reducing their operations costs, the properly suited and well implemented ERP solution is vital for them to succeed in their business endeavors.
Thanks to our long-term experience and highly-qualified team, Kontron is ready to support you through the entire lifecycle of your information system. We offer a broad range of services starting from the analyses of needs, system design and implementation, and extends to the establishment and compilation of specifications and requirements sheets. The range also includes the requisite training.
Services ensuing from other segments complement this range of offerings. These include the implementation of individual-use programming, the secure and customized depiction of mobile processes upon mobile devices, and the outsourced operation of hardware and software used in the running of the respective system.
Based on our long-term, strategic partnerships S&T designs, delivers, operates and manages solutions from several renowned vendors – SAP, INFOR, Microsoft. This enables us to offer our customers flexible and effective solutions based on their individual needs and business specifics.